Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Saying how i see it

We are sometimes asked "Are you or do you see yourself as Malaysian first and Malay/Chinese/Indian second or Malay/Chinese/Indian first and Malaysian second?"

I always wonder what is the real purpose of such question. What is expected from it?

One might say that the answer may not be so obvious. After all what is a "Malaysian" if not a citizen of Malaysia, a multi religous, multi racial and multi cultural country. Is it not this "multiness" that makes us Malaysian? If you take that away and replace it with a homogenous facet, I dare say we may run the risk of losing our real identity and may cease be truly Malaysian.

Having said that, to another rather extreme question that says "If you were to fight and die for a cause/identity, what would the order be?", to me the answer is clear and obvious, I'd die for Islam first, Malay second and Malaysia third (that is if I have three lives).

The thing is, I'd imagine a lot of Malaysians would answer likewise (i.e. in the order of religion, race and followed by the country). Does that make us racist or unpatriotic? Honestly, as far as I'm concerned if it does, so be it.

I think it is imperative that we be honest and open about this so that whatever response which is expected of us is properly and adequately managed by the policy makers/implementors.

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